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Domino: the Book of Decorating : A Room-by-Room Guide to Creating a Home That Makes You Happy (1416575464)

Domino: The Book of Decorating follows a straightforward, room-by-room chapter structure featuring a run of lusciously photographed, beautiful interiors forming the centrepiece of each chapter. Large double-page images punctuate more densely packed spreads; richly composed full rooms alternate with sensuous details. This sequence of spreads puts the reader inside real, finished rooms from the Domino universe, each annotated to translate how its distinctive beauty and sensibility has been achieved. For a new generation of homeowners and renters, Domino: The Book of Decorating promises to become the decor bible: a constant source of guidance, inspiration, and excitement. Product details Format Hardback | 272 pages

Ignite (9781950023912)

Bossy, protective bad boy biker Mammoth Saint always thought he'd be member of the Disciples MC...until he laid eyes on her. Tamara Gallo has always been headstrong, sassy, and never afraid to speak her mind, even when it comes to her hottie biker boyfriend and his brothers in the MC. But when Mammoth's ready to sever ties from the club for good, choosing love over the brotherhood, until someone from his past shows up and needs his protection, threatening his freedom along with their future. ♥ Happily Ever After-YES! ♥ Swoon-Worthy-Heck, YEAH! ♥ NO Cliffhanger If you love a loyal biker, a strong heroine, steamy swoony romance, and witty laugh-out-loud banter...this book is for you! Ignite is the fifth book in the USA Today bestselling Men of Inked(TM) Heatwave series. Men of Inked: Heatwave Series: Book 1 - Flame Book 2 - Burn Book 3 - Wildfire Book 4 - Blaze Book 5 - Ignite Book 6 - Spark Product details

Der disziplinierte Trader : So entwickeln sie gewinnbringende Charaktereigenschaften (3898790428)

Erfolgreiches Trading setzt sich aus 80 Prozent Psychologie und 20 Prozent Theorie zusammen. Mark Douglas deckt die psychologischen Stärken und Schwächen auf, die dazu führen, dass Trader zuviel handeln, zuwenig handeln, es nicht schaffen, den "Abzug zu drücken" oder zulange in einem Trade bleiben, während sie dasitzen und zuschauen, wie aus ihren Gewinnen Verluste werden. Dem Leser werden Konzepte und Methoden gezeigt, die nur wenige Trader jemals berücksichtigen, wenn sie sich auf das anspruchsvolle Gebiet des Aktien-Tradings begeben. Sie lernen geschickte Wege kennen, wie Sie Ihr Trading so managen können, dass Sie auf regelmäßiger Basis profitabel handeln werden. Der disziplinierte Trader zeigt deutlicht, dass Anleger nur dann erfolgreich sein können, wenn sie lernen die psychologischen Barrieren, die ein jeder von uns überwinden muss, zu verstehen und zu bekämpfen. Product details

Das Philosophie-Buch : Großen Ideen und ihre Denker (383101969X)

Was ist Gerechtigkeit? Wie wissen wir, was wir wissen? Was macht ein sinnvolles Leben aus? Mit Fragen wie diesen haben sich viele Philosophen auseinandergesetzt und Ideen formuliert, die unsere Welt beeinflusst und verändert haben. Das Philosophie-Buch führt durch über 2000 Jahre philosophisches Denken und erklärt über 100 große Ideen berühmter Denker - von Platon über Heidegger bis Derrida. Chronologisch geordnete Portraits liefern Informationen zum Leben der einzelnen Philosophen und ihren Hauptwerken. Außerdem wird jede Kernthese durch übersichtliche Querverweise in einen historischen Zusammenhang gestellt. So werden beispielsweise ihre Vordenker und Schüler ersichtlich. Bekannte und unbekannte Zitate wie "Der Zweck rechtfertigt die Mittel" oder "Die Welt war nicht immer da" kombiniert mit einer unkonventionellen Gestaltung der Seiten machen Lust auf ein oft als abstrakt und komplex eingeschätztes Thema. Perfekt für Schüler und Studenten!

Radar and Electronic Warfare Principles for the Non-Specialist (9781613530115)

This book presents a comprehensive set of radar and electronic warfare principles including many of the latest applications in a clear and consistent manner. Following on from the 3rd edition of this book (2004) Radar and Electronic Warfare Principles for the Non-specialist, 4th Edition, remains true to the traditional strength of the book, providing radar principles for the non-specialist, and also now introducing EW principles. All radar-related material has been reviewed, revised and enhanced as necessary. New to this edition: Significant revisions to; target signal-to-noise ratio, target detection theory, array antennas, radar measurements and tracking, and target signatures The addition of new EW-related material addressing electronic support (ES), electronic attack (EA), and electronic protection (EP) The advanced radar concepts chapter has been revised, including the addition of a section on modern multi-function, -mode, -mission radar systems. Most of the chapters are stand-alo

Color Grading 101 : Getting Started Color Grading for Editors, Cinematographers, Directors, and Aspiring Colorists (9780367140045)

Written both for students and working professionals, this book walks readers step-by-step through the foundations of color grading for projects of any size, from music videos and commercials to full-length features. In this clear, practical, and software-agnostic guide, author Charles Haine introduces readers to the technical and artistic side of color grading and color correction. Color Grading 101 balances technical chapters like color-matching, mastering, and compression with artistic chapters like contrast/affinity, aesthetic trends, and building a color plan. The book also includes more business-focused chapters detailing best practices and expert advice on working with clients, managing a team, working with VFX, and building a business. An accompanying eResource offers downloadable footage and project files to help readers work through the exercises and examples in the book. This book serves as a perfect introduction for aspiring colorists as well as editors, cinematographers, an

Die Kriminalität der Gesellschaft : Zur Gouvernementalität der Gegenwart (3896697277)

Anknüpfend an Michel Foucaults Begriff der Gouvernementalität untersucht die Autorin, wie sich Formen der Menschenführung mit den Konzepten von Staat und Gesellschaft verändern. Denn so, wie sich gegenwärtig das Verhältnis von Staat, Ãkonomie und Sozialem entlang gesellschaftlicher Kräfteverhältnisse neu formiert, werden auch die Adressaten des Regierens neu konfiguriert.Ein Beleg hierfür sind die gesellschaftlichen Problematisierungen von Abweichung und Kriminalität. War der "Delinquent" im 19. Jahrhundert die Kategorie, mit der die Kriminologie sich als Wissenschaft zur Verteidigung des Sozialen etablieren konnte, so bringt die "Ãkonomisierung des Sozialen" diese Kategorie eher zum Verschwinden. Soziale Probleme werden weniger an individuellen Tätern und Pathologien als an Risikomerkmalen und -gruppen festgemacht. Exemplarisch kommt diese Tendenz etwa im flächendeckenden Einsatz von Videoüberwachung in Einkaufszentren oder an öffentlichen Plätzen zu

Merkels Maske : Kanzlerin einer anderen Republik (3929886634)

Dank des Buches von Hinrich Rohbohm wissen wir heute vieles über den habituellen Opportunismus einer Karrierepolitikerin, die gern als die "mächtigste Frau der Welt" bezeichnet wird. Angela Merkel nutzt ihre Macht aber nicht, um die Interessen ihres Landes zu vertreten oder Schaden von ihm abzuwenden, sondern allein, um ihre Macht zu sichern. Dr. Heimo Schwilk Nach "System Merkel" (2011) zweite Abhandlung von JF-Reporter Hinrich Rohbohm Product details Format Paperback | 188 pages Dimensions 134 x 211 x 25mm

Confessions : The Princess, the Prick & the Priest (9781731048837)

I am complex. My love is all-encompassing. And when it comes to my heart, there is only one rule: Don't mess with what's mine. Until the age of seven, I was Joel Alexander Donovan, son of Jimmy. The man who terrorized a town and made its citizens fear the very ground he walked on. Including me, the day I realized that ground ran red with blood. At age eighteen, I became Priest. A man without a past. A man determined to right the wrongs of my father. A man who never believed anyone could love the son of such a monster. But then a thief stole my heart. A sweetheart lit up my world. And I forgot for a moment you should never turn your back on your enemy. And thus begins a lesson to those who would seek to harm: Never underestimate what the Priest will do to protect the Princess and the Prick. Product details Format

Operation Romulus. Das Geheimnis der verschwundenen Nazi-Elite (3862824977)

"In unserer Zeit, Junge", hatte der alte Mann gesagt, "ist es wichtig - überlebenswichtig - niemandem zu trauen." Der Deutsch-Norweger Johann Göbbs tut gut daran, sich an die Maxime seines Großvaters zu halten: Traue niemandem! Als Spion der Alliierten während der Wirren des zu Ende gehenden 2. Weltkrieges dient er als Angehöriger der Luftwaffe im Reichsluftfahrtministerium - ständig in Gefahr, entlarvt zu werden. Sein Auftrag: Informationen über ein geheimes Projekt der Nazis zu sammeln. Dafür muss er tief in deren verhasste Strukturen vordringen. Das Geheimprojekt nördlich von Berlin - ein neuer Flugzeugtyp - entpuppt sich aber nur als Anfang von etwas noch Größerem, etwas, das die sich andeutende Nachkriegsordnung grundsätzlich in Frage stellen könnte. Wohin verschwinden die Flugzeuge? In die legendäre Alpenfestung? Haben sie etwas mit dem rätselhaften Verschwinden hochrangiger Mitglieder der Nazi-Elite zu tun? Bald schon verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Freun

Vegan mit Familie - geht doch! : Einfache Gerichte, schmackhaft, nahrhaft und zeitsparend (viele glutenfrei) (3956316738)

Bei "Vegan mit Familie - geht doch handelt es sich um ein Kochbuch, welches dem Leser eine Alternative zurüblichen Küche aufzeigen soll. Es nimmt dem Leser die Scheu vor neuen Gerichten, da es sich um einfache und meist geläufige Zutaten handelt. Die Gerichte sind einfach und flexibel gehalten und ermöglichen es dem Koch, sich allen Familienmitgliedern mühelos anzupassen. Symbole unter den Gerichten visualisieren sofort, welche Gerichte einfach, für Kinder geeignet, glutenfrei oder etwas aufwendiger sind. Zwischen den Gerichten erhält der Leser weiterführende Informationen zum Thema Ernährung. Product details Format Hardback | 195 pages Dimensions

Sharpie Art Pack : A Book and Guided Sketch Pad for Creative Mark Making (1631591193)

Make your mark and explore hours of exercises using everyone's favorite marker- anywhere! Now in an all-new format, the creative technique exercises from Sharpie Art Workshop by designer, artist, and art director Timothy Goodman are reconfigured into this useful art pack which includes an informational book and companion sketchpad featuring prompts and drawings to get you started. Sharpie Art Pack includes a wide range of Sharpie techniques that demonstrate how to make different kinds of marks, patterns, images on a variety of surfaces, and mixing media with Sharpie. Be bold, and work through this inspiring book and enjoy the intricate and impressive works created from an everyday tool. Product details Format Hardback | 112 pages

Gedichte (1484072510)

Wilhelm Busch: Gedichte Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2014, 3. Auflage Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Kritik des Herzens: Erstdruck: Heidelberg (Bassermann) 1874. Zu guter Letzt: Entstanden: Überwiegend 1898-1899. Erstdruck: München (Bassermann) 1904. Schein und Sein: Entstanden: Zwischen 1899 und 1907. Erstdruck: München (Lothar Joachim) 1909. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Wilhelm Busch: Sämtliche Werke, Herausgegeben v. Otto Nöldeke, Band 6, München: Braun & Schneider, 1943. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Wilhelm Busch (Photographie um 1880) Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 10 pt. Product details Format Paperback | 140 pa

The War That Will End War (Classic Reprint) (1330677560)

Excerpt from The War That Will End War The cause of a war and the object of a war are not necessarily the same. The cause of this war was the invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works. Product details Format

Ap(r) Biology Crash Course, 2nd Ed., Book + Online (0738610992)

REA's Crash Course for the AP(R) Biology Exam - Gets You a Higher Advanced Placement(R) Score in Less Time Crash Course is perfect for the time-crunched student, the last-minute studier, or anyone who wants a refresher on the subject. Are you crunched for time? Have you started studying for your Advanced Placement(R) Biology exam yet? How will you memorize everything you need to know before the test? Do you wish there was a fast and easy way to study for the exam AND boost your score? If this sounds like you, don't panic. REA's Crash Course for AP(R) Biology is just what you need. Our Crash Course gives you: Targeted, Focused Review - Study Only What You Need to Know Crash Course is based on an in-depth analysis of the revised AP(R) Biology course description outline and sample AP(R) test questions. It covers only the information tested on the exam, so you can make the most of your valuable study time. Our targeted review focuses on the 4 Big Ideas that will be covered on

Noisy Things That Go (1680105620)

Children can touch, feel, and hear the noisy vehicles of the road, rails, sea, and sky in this engaging, sturdy board book. Filled with appealing photographs, fun facts, tactile textures, and exciting vehicle sounds! Product details Format Board book | 12 pages Dimensions 211 x 216 x 20mm | 522g Publication date 04 Sep 201

Mind The Gap : The truth about desire and how to futureproof your sex life (9781472267139)

'This book taught me so much about female desire. A must read!' Cherry Healey Did you know that there is an orgasm gap of around 30% between heterosexual couples when they have sex? In Mind The Gap, Dr Karen Gurney, a clinical psychologist and certified psychosexologist, explores not just this gap, but the gaps in our knowledge of so much of the most important new science around sex and desire. In this book, you will learn that nearly everything that you've been led to believe about female sexuality isn't actually true. And that, despite what you might think, it is possible to simultaneously feel little to no spontaneous desire and have a happy and mutually satisfying sex life long term. Exploring the mismatch between ideas about sex in our society and what the science tells us, Mind The Gap also explains how this disconnect lies at the root of many of our sexual problems. Combining science with case studies, practical exercises and tips, this is a book for anyone who w

The Merry Recluse : A Life in Essays (1582433143)

From the best-selling author of Drinking: A Love Story, and Appetites: Why Women Want comes this unforgettable collection spanning fifteen years of observations on modern culture and women's lives. Caroline Knapp's readers are known not just for their number, but for their intense connection to her work. Knapp connected so well in part because of the intense focus she brought to her subjects. Now, with The Merry Recluse: A Life in Essays, Knapp shows us that her vision through a wider lens is as brilliant as through a narrow one. These essays paint the fullest picture of this wonderful writer that we've yet seen, but they are also a full portrait of a writing life, showing how the same themes can engage--and expand--a writer over a lifetime. Knapp, who died in 2002, was considered one of the country's more intelligent and graceful voices in memoirs. This collection also shows her to be a witty, provocative observer of the world around her.

Truly UnFamous : Tales from the Glory Days of Canadian Rock (9781525571190)

AFTER GETTING A JOB AS A BARTENDER at a small Montreal Rock bar, Keith soon found himself working a Doors' concert at the Montreal Forum. His job was to carry a very inebriated but stoic Jim Morrison back and forth between the stage and dressing room. A few years later, Keith become a tour manager for Montreal's Donald K Donald productions and helped develop Canada's first cross-country rock circuit. Truly UnFamous is a collection of tales from the beginning of the Canadian arena rock era to its apex. Having spent months at a time driving across the country with popular Canadian bands like Rush, The Stampeders, and April Wine as well as some of the top musical artists in the world, there are certainly stories to tell. These are the ones which are fit for print. Celebrity memoirs often leave the impression their authors had a difficult time, as if they missed the party. By contrast, Truly UnFamous wasn't written by a celebrity. Keith, a.k.a. "Reckless Eddy", wo

Redemption (9781509874408)

Redemption is the latest memory man thriller in David Baldacci's Sunday Times bestselling series. FBI consultant Amos Decker discovers that he may have made a fatal mistake when he was a rookie homicide detective. Back in his home town, he's now compelled to discover the truth . . . Decker has returned to Burlington, Ohio, for a special reason. It would have been his daughter Molly's fourteenth birthday. Molly was brutally murdered four years ago in their home, along with his beloved wife, Cassie, and his brother-in-law. But then Decker is tracked down by a man he'll never forget: Meryl Hawkins, his first homicide arrest more than twelve years ago. Hawkins has been in prison serving a life sentence but was recently released due to a terminal illness. Decker now finds himself questioning what had seemed watertight evidence at the time - maybe he'd been a bit too keen to get that conviction? Could Hawkins really be innocent, as he's always claimed? If so, the kill

Covenant Marriage : Staying Together for Life (9781582293936)

A new movement is spreading across America, bringing hope to existing marriages and new guidelines for marriages yet to be; and Dr. Fred Lowery, in this courageous and insightful book, shares with you the principles of the Covenant Marriage Movement. Every marriage faces storms and struggles that can lead to failure. Unexpected changes, personality conflicts, money problems, and misguided expectations can send even the best of marriages into a tailspin. But this insightful, new book provides real answers through chapters such as "The Difference between a Contract and a Covenant," "Learning How to Manage Conflict," and "What to Do When Marriage Is Not What You Expected." Covenant marriages will stand the test of time, change, and personal problems and will shine with brilliance in a world that is besieged by divorce. This book will not only impact your life, but will impact marriages for generations to come. The principles, power, and pattern for a covenant

Bending The Landscape: Fantasy : Original Gay and Lesbian Writing (1585675768)

Bending the Landscape brings together the best short fiction from the fantasy genre's most notable and daring writers. In Leslie What's Beside the Well', a captivating myth set in ancient China, a young woman rebels against her abusive husband by allying herself with the spirit of his first wife. Don Bassingthwaite's 'In Memory Of' is a tantalising look into the passions and jealousies of two improbably long-lived brothers. This book is proof that gender and orientation can be used to create spectacularly imagainative plots and rich works of fantasy.' Product details Format Paperback | 382 pages Dimensions

Kievan Russia (0300016476)

Kievan Russia was originally published in a clothbound edition in 1948 as volume two in George Vernadsky's comprehensive series, A History of Russia. It is now available for the first time in a paperbound edition. At the time of its publication Kievan Russia received the following reviews: "The account of this little-know chapter of Russian history is based on a formidable mass of Slavic Byzantine, Germanic, and Oriental (notably Arabic and Persian_ sources. Much of this material is new, and the thorough utilization of all primary and secondary literature accumulated since Kluchevsky wrote his great history easily makes this volume the definitive study of the Kievan period in the English language. There is hardly an aspect of the life of Russia at that time which remains untouched, and the scope of the author's interests and erudition is indeed impressive....When all is said, Vernadsky's filling a definite gap in American historical literature."-The Annals

Die Osterreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie in Wort Und Bild : Aus Dem "Kronprinzenwerk" Des (3205991028)

Diese reich illustrierte Edition versammelt die interessantesten Zeugnisse aus der legendären Reihe "Die österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild" - besser bekannt als "Kronprinzenwerk" nach ihrem Anreger und Herausgeber, Kronprinz Rudolf von Österreich. Die nahmhaftesten Wissenschafter, Schriftsteller und Zeichner der Zeit portraitierten Länder und Völker, Landschaften und Regionen der k. k. Monarchie buchstäblich "in Wort und Bild". Die zwischen 1886 und 1902 erschienene 24bändige Enzyklopädie beanspruchte nichts Geringeres, als - in rund 600 monographischen Artikeln und mehr als 4500 Illustrationen - die geographische, biologische, ethnische und kulturelle Vielfalt des gesamten Habsburgerreiches vollständig zu dokumentieren. Christiane Zintzens Auswahl entwirft ein Phantombild Österreich-Ungarns an der Schwelle zur Moderne. Ohne verklärende Nostalgie sprechen die - zum Teil hier erstmals nachgedruckten - Originaltexte zu uns: Über einen fasz

Consumer Credit Cost, 1949-1959 (9780691041162)

The Description for this book, Consumer Credit Cost, 1949-1959, will be forthcoming. Product details Format Hardback | 184 pages Publication date 21 Jul 1964 Publisher Princeton University Press Publication City/Country

Domain-Driven Design Reference : Definitions and Pattern Summaries (1457501198)

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development for complex businesses and other domains. DDD tackles that complexity by focusing the team's attention on knowledge of the domain, picking apart the most tricky, intricate problems with models, and shaping the software around those models. Easier said than done! The techniques of DDD help us approach this systematically. This reference gives a quick and authoritative summary of the key concepts of DDD. It is not meant as a learning introduction to the subject. Eric Evans' original book and a handful of others explain DDD in depth from different perspectives. On the other hand, we often need to scan a topic quickly or get the gist of a particular pattern. That is the purpose of this reference. It is complementary to the more discursive books. The starting point of this text was a set of excerpts from the original book by Eric Evans, Domain-Driven-Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 2004 - in pa